Frack You

When I was in a young teen in the late 70s and early 80s there was a boy in my school who was very clever and funny.  He had a "Nuke the Whales" t-shirt which was a conflation of "No More Nukes" and "Save The Whales", two popular slogans of the day.

Frack The Plutocrats is my own attempt at similar irony, though not as clever.

Fracking is "the process of injecting liquid at high pressure into subterranean rocks, boreholes, etc. so as to force open existing fissures and extract oil or gas."

A plutocrat is a "person whose power is derived from their wealth."

I have come to accept that much of the world's suffering emanates from global plutocracy--that is, the tendency of the wealthy in the world to use their wealth to accrue power which leads to easier accrual of wealth which leads to easier accrual of more power.  That wealth and power results in wild imbalances between the wealthy and the poor.  

Democracy and rising democratization stood as a bulwark in which which political power of the many--as expressed through democracy and representative government--could protect the interests and see to modest rising prosperity of the many.  Alas, plutocrats have been wildly successful playing a long game dismantling that bulwark, using fear of the other in the forms of racism, xenophobia, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, nationalism, et cetera.

Plutocrats have:

  • changed the rules about media content, media consolidation, reducing debate
  • virtually eliminated local media and replaced local radio, TV, and press with national talking points friendly to plutocrats
  • corrupted state politics while simultaneously...
  • weakened civil rights protections previously afforded by the Federal Government
  • altered the judiciary leading to unconventional rulings supporting the interests of plutocrats
All is not lost but plutocrats are getting more powerful and wealthier... and more powerful...

So I say Frack The Plutocrats.  Let's find their fissures...their cracks...and inject some pressure into them.  Let's force them to break apart and release some of that power back to the many.
